I’m experiencing climate anxiety. When there is no snow at Christmas, but at Midsummer is the worst snowstorm of the decade. When I read on the news how to species each other after starting to die out and how the winter does not shine like the sun before.
At the same time, however, I myself am not a perfect model example of climate – friendly and responsible young person. I often find myself frustrated with both myself and when talking to others on the subject. I don’t understand why my friends buy themselves that spring for a new pair of shoes, but at the same time I find myself sourcing for myself not-maybe-so-necessary goods. I blame myself and others.
However, climate anxiety is not alleviated by mutual blame but by genuine listening and compassion for oneself and others. About things talking and open conversation can open even big locks. Anxiety relieves when he feels understood and heard.
The word moderation certainly reminds us of all sorts of things; alcohol reasonable use, reasonable punishment, avoidance of extremes, golden medium. Reasonableness is always ambiguous. Its meaning depends on the person and the environment. I would still say that reasonableness is also a good keyword coping with climate anxiety. However, that doesn’t have to mean looking at things through your fingers.
A reasonable person strives to be calm.
A reasonable person is a conscious consumer.
A reasonable person understands they responsibilities and the consequences of them choices.
However, there is a risk that reasonableness will start to be pursued too hard, making it is starting to be unreasonable. Ironically, then these should be treated efforts reasonably. Soon the whole word begins to lose its meaning, turning into a disgusting refrain.
Anyway, moderation in everything is probably a good tip about climate anxiety and to survive. Remember to treat yourself and those around you gently and lovingly. Pushing oneself to pieces is pointless. Would I say that even unreasonable.
Elli Jokitulppo / TAO