Lyytiset for the week 46. Lyytiset is LYY’s weekly newsletter that rounds up current affairs and events for the following week. If you want your own announcement to be added to Lyytiset, contact jarjestoasiantuntija(at)lyy.fi.
- LYY’s opening hours
- Survey about Lapland university sport services
- Teaching arrangements as of January
- Radio Säteily
- LYY Goes Kulttuuri: Among us
- Council of Representatives meeting11.11.
- Resignation from OLL
- SYL General Assembly
- Fact sheet about the COVID-19 situation
- Koronavilkku app
- Event guide
- Give feedback on the Student Union’s feedback channel
- Register your event to the LYY’s event calendar
LYY’s opening hours
LYY’s office at Ahkiomaantie 23 B are open by reservation.
The customer service point at F-wing is open in the autumn as follows:
19.10.-27.11., TUE and THU, 12-14
Contact us at lyy(at)lyy.fi, or call +358 44 787 5670.
Take safety guidelines into consideration when visiting LYY. Do not visit our service points if you have any symptoms of infection.
Survey about Lapland university sport services
Answer a survey for students at the University of Lapland about Lapland’s university sport services. The survey clarifys students’ views and experiences of Lapland’s university sport services. The survey is anonymous and its results will be used to develop sports services.
Teaching arrangements as of January
Teaching remotely continues to be recommended from 1 January 2021 on.
Face-to-face teaching will be delivered only when strictly necessary (for example courses involving laboratory work or arranged for new exchange students). Face-to-face teaching may be delivered in accordance with the safety instructions. The 50-person attendance limit per space applies to all face-to-face teaching situations at the University of Lapland. Students in a risk group for Covid-19 should contact the teacher in charge of the course in order to agree on alternative methods of assessment.
Information about the teaching arrangements.
Radio Säteily
Radio Säteily is here again!
Listen to our student radio online.
LYY Goes Kulttuuri: Among us
LYY Goes Kulttuuri is an event series, where the student union’s associations can meet up and enjoy culture together.
The Student Union of the University of Lapland organizes a remote game event online. Join us for a game “Among Us” for free! You can play the game for free online or download it to your phone from the app store. No previous gaming experience required!
The event on Facebook
The event on LYY’s website
Council of Representatives meeting 11.11.
LYY’s Council of Representatives will have a hybrid meeting: Members of LYY can participate both in the LS3 room at the university or via Adobe Connect. Please contact the Chair of the Council Miikka Keränen well in advance if you wish to attend the meeting online (epj@lyy.fi). Please note that the meeting will be held in Finnish and that in the LS3 we recommend observing safe distances and other health measures.
The agenda: ratification of decisions made in the previous meeting and a rule change on remote meetings.
Resignation from OLL
At its meeting on 28 October 2020, the Council of Representatives of the Student Union of the University of Lapland has decided that LYY will resign from the Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL.
LYY thanks OLL for their cooperation.
SYL General Assembly
The two-day General Assembly of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) will be held remotely for the first time on 12–13 November 2020. The General Assembly wields the highest decision-making power in SYL and elects a new President and six Board Members for the Union for 2021. In addition, the Assembly outlines the objectives and activities of SYL in 2021 and decides on changes to SYL’s Policy Paper. The Policy Paper directs all advocacy work of the Union.
Information about SYL’s General Assembly
Fact sheet about the COVID-19 situation
LYY has released information about the autumn COVID-19 situation. The fact sheet includes information about LYY, The University of Lapland and campus restaurants.
Read the fact sheet on our website!
Koronavilkku app
The UNIFI Rectors recommends the use of the Koronavilkku app.
Learn more about Koronavilkku on LYY’s website.
Event guide
LYY has made instructions for organizing events in our student community. The instructions are meant for both organizers and event participants. We are closely following the COVID-19 situation and will update these instructions if needed.
Check out LYY’s event guide.
Give feedback on the Student Union’s feedback channel
The Student Union has created a feedback channel, which is open to everyone. On the channel you can let us know your thoughts anonymously or ask anything. You can contact us personally or via the feedback form.
More information: Organization and Communications Specialist Netta Riponiemi, jarjestoasiantuntija(at)lyy.fi
Register your event to LYY’s event calendar
You can register your own event to LYY’s website! Adding your event to our website is fast and easy, and it lets everybody see your event straight away on LYY’s website. When you register your event remember that they have to be open for everyone – unless you want loads of gatecrashers.
Register your event to LYY’s event calendar here!
Sign up for the weekly newsletter
Send message: ”SUB lyyinfo first name lastname”
To the address: listaposti(at)uapland.fi
Sign off from the weekly newsletter
Send message: “SIGNOFF LYYINFO”
To the address: listaposti(at)ulapland.fi