Every year at the annual ball the student union rewards people with badges of merit, who have been taking part in the student union’s activities in a commendable way.
Again this year, the members of the student union can suggest people, who deserve the student union’s badge of merit. If you know a person, who deserves this tribute, please fill up this form with proper arguments. The person don’t have to be a member of the student union.
“The badge of merit can be given to a person as a credit, who has been taking part in the student union’s activities in a commendable way or to a person, who has been promoting the student union’s members benefits with a persistent and remarkable way. The badge of merit can also be given as a credit to a member of the student union, who has been taking part in the student unions activities and has been showing great commitment with the student union’s work. The badge can be accepted also to a person, who has been working in an commendable way in an organization, which is working in the field of the student union.” An extract from the University of Lapland’s medal regulations.
Suggest a candidate for the badge of merit.
Please send the suggestion before 27.9.2020 at 23:59.
More information: puheenjohtaja(at)lyy.fi