The working committees the Executive Board manage are a part of LYY’s activity. The purpose of the committees is to be a conversational and cooperational forums for the student union, the student associations and other people who are willing to collaborate in working for the University of Lapland students best interest. There may be experts visiting the committee assemblies to deepen the committees understanding of a certain topic. The committees can also make excursions to places they find worth visiting.
The committees are an important part of LYY’s work because many issues that will be implemented by the Board are first prepared in a committee assembly. A committee is lead by a Member of the Board that has been appointed to be responsible of a sector the committee handles. The committee consists of student association actives. The assemblies of the committees are open for all members of LYY. The time and the place of the assemblies are informed in our website’s event section and the Facebook groups of each committee as well as the committee email lists. Each committee assemblies about once a month.
The Executive Board has set up seven committees for the year 2020: three around the themes of protection of interests, three considering free time activities and an environment committee.
The Protection of Interests Committee
LYY’s Protection of Interests Committee assembles about once a month during the study year. It consists of members from various student associations. The meetings are lead by a person appointed by the Executive Board and the Adviser of Educational and Social Affairs has the role of a secretary. The committee assemblies are open for everyone who’s interested in protection of interests. They handle issues like tutoring and ways to smoothen the study path.
More information about the protection of interests committee from: edunvalvonta(at)
The Working Life Committee
The Working Life Committee takes care of things related to the working skills of the students. Usually the people who are responsible of the working life sector in their own associations take part in this committee. The committee assembles a few times during the study year. The Chair of the Committee is the person in charge of the working life sector in the student union. The secretary is the Adviser of Educational and Social Affairs. Traditionally, the committee organizes one working life related event during the year. Additionally, the committee may visit regional companies to get to know their work and to find ideas to develop the associations they currently represent. The assemblies of this committee are open for everyone who’s interested in working life.
More information on the working life committee from: edunvalvonta(at)
Internationality Committee
The internationality committee is all about protection of the international students interests from topics like entrance fees to housing and more. The people in charge of each student association’s internationality sector attend to the assemblies of this committee as well as ESN Lapland actives along with the university’s internationality unit. The chair of the committee is the Member of the Executive Board who is responsible for the internationality sector. The secretary is the Adviser of Educational and Social Affairs. The Internationality committee is open for everyone who’s interested in the topics it handles.
More information on the internationality committee from: edunvalvonta(at)
The Free Time Committee
The Free Time Committee produces events and organizes a great variety of projects within the Student Union. The committee assembles about once a month and has a different emphasis on each meeting depending on what events or projects are currently in the making. The people who join the Free Time Committee are the students in charge of the culture sector in different student associations and in the student union. The Executive Board appoints the Chair of the Committee. The Secretary of the Committee is the Adviser of Organizations and Communications. The assemblies of the committee are open for everyone to visit.
More information on the Free Time Committee from: jarjestoasiantuntija(at)
The Sports Committee
As the name implies, the Sports Committee takes care of the physically active side of the student life. The Sports Committee is where new events and campaigns are planned. Also, it’s where old traditions are held up, such as Shrovetide activities and the University Derby competition during the May Day week. The Sports Committee consists of people who are in charge of the sports sector in the student associations and in the Student Union along with the sports tutors. The Chair of the Sports Committee is appointed by the Executive Board and the secretary is the university’s physical education instructor Mika Vettainen.
More information on the Sports Committee From: miiko.ketonen(at) and mika.vettainen(at)
The Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is for developing the internal and external ways of communication in the Student Union as well as in the subject associations. One can share their association’s communicational challenges in the committee, join in developing communication campaings and learn more communicational skills from visitors. The people in charge of communications in the student associations and in the Student Union are the ones who belong to the committee. The assemblies of the committee are lead by a person appointed by the Executive Board and the secretary is the Adviser of Organizations and Communications.
More information on the communications committee from: jarjestoasiantuntija(at)
The Environment Committee
The Executive Board of University of Lapland student union has set up an Environment Committee. In addition to the people who are in charge of the developmental cooperation and environment sector there are also many volunteers joining the committee. Developing and implementing a great variety of activities that enhance the environmental awareness of the students is the main target of the committee. The Environment Committee also comments on the environmental work of the university.
More information on the environment committee: jarjestoasiantuntija(at)