The Council of Representatives of the Student Union of the University of Lapland (LYY) had its 4th meeting on 19th of May. At the meeting they decided that LYY is a vegan Student Union from now on.
LYY is now committed to providing only plant-based food at its events, such as internal meetings and gatherings, as well as at events open to all members of the Student Union, such as anniversaries and fresher’s and tutor’s adventures. In addition, LYY commited to favor primarily domestic food products and especially local food.
The Council of Representatives discussed the matter on the initiative of Julia Kerkelä and Miika Moilanen of the Vihertävät representative group (Greenish). The decision was made by a vote of 15 to 4, with one absent. There were two very similar proposals in the vote, so the promotion of vegan diet is probably a matter of common concern to the Council of Representatives.
The Student Union of LUT University (LTKY) is the only student union in Finland before LYY that has made a similar decision. Last March, the Representative Council of the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY) voted against a member initiative that called for the Student Union to be vegan. 20th of May The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) also announced that it switches to offering only plant-based food.
The highest decision making body in the student community is the Council of Representatives. The 20 representatives for the council and their deputies are elected every other year. The council assembles once a month except for the summer. The Council of Representatives makes annual decisions e.g. about LYY’s plan of action, the budget and for the membership fee.
More information:
The Chair of the Council of Representatives, Pekka Nikumatti,