The Student Union of the University of Lapland offers services for NGOs, associations and students working near LYY. If you need help in something related to association work you can always contact us: lyy(at)
Association training
LYY organizes every year two educational events to NGOs and associations working within the University of Lapland. The events called ”Riemupiirakka” take place in the fall and in the spring.
Riemupiirakka is one day long. During the day there is a selection of workshops where the participants discuss relevant topics and ideas for development. The evening programme is dedicated to having a relaxing time and networking with other association workers. You can suggests the student union topics to be discussed or performers who would be nice to have in Riemupiirakka. The time and the place of the event is informed beforehand through email.
Financial aids
LYY supports the associations and NGOs working with by giving financial aid to projects and tasks. LYY has two separate application processes each year: the other is only for the NGOs and associations working within the Student Union and the other is for individual students as well.
More information on the aids from the Community Specialist: yhteiso(at)
The basic aid
The basic aid can be given to associations working within Student Union of the University of Lapland that have up to date information of their current state in the Finnish Patent and Registration Office. The basic aid is given to support the associations basic work. The application process for basic aid opens every February to March and the Council of Representatives makes the final decision on who the aid is granted to.
The application should be always done by a specific document. The application requires a document of a subject associations or other associations assembly proceedings, its plan of action and its latest budget. However, don’t deliver the original documents but take copies of them. If the association has received the student association’s basic aid in the previous year, the application should also be have a copy of the proceedings from the assembly where the association has gone through their last year’s plan of action. Additionally, attach a document that clears up what is the target of the aid and how would the money be spent.
The project aid
The NGO’s and associations that work closely with the Student Union can apply for the project aid. Individual students and groups of students can also apply for it. In other words, receiving the project aid doesn’t require a registered association. The purpose of the project aid is to support all sorts of new event production. The cause what the aid is applied for can be related to studying or it might be a free time activity. Your idea may need a purchase or a campaign that calls for money. The student union only demands that the project has to be interdisciplinary and open for all. The project aid is never admitted to fund the basic work of an association or an NGO (in that case apply for the basic aid instead). The application process for the project aid begins usually in the spring and LYY’s Executive Board makes the final decision on who the aid is admitted to.
Student Union of the University of Lapland decides every year the amount of the aid and the criteria to support the decision-making. For instance, a possible requirement could be that the idea must aim for developing the student culture in Lapland. The application is delivered electronically.
Instructions on making the application:
- State well-thought reasons why your new idea should need the aid.
- Argue how your idea affects the student culture in Lapland.
- Deliver a document with an organized plan and a budget.
- Tell straight-forwardly what is the amount of money you would need.
- The application doesn’t have to be formal.
Information and announcement outlets
Does your association or NGO need support in communicational issues?
You can announce your interdisciplinary activities through LYY’s information outlets! On our website, you can make an event announcement to be published on LYY’s webpage. You can also market your event in Lyytiset (LYY’s weekly newsletter) and forward your message to our association email list by contacting the Adviser of Organizations and Communications!
More on communication from LYY’s Communications Specialist viestinta(at)
The protection of interests for associations
LYY collaborates with the student associations in order to protect the interests of the students. The cooperative nature of the protection of interests work is visible in the monthly assembly of the protection of interests committee. The committee is a place where the participants can share their worries and hopes related to protection of interests. The things shared in the committee are then handled further in active communication with the university administration and the faculties.
More information on the protection of interests committee: LYY’s Specialist in Social Affairs, edunvalvonta(at)
Loanable Dishware for subject associations
LYY wants to offer the possibility for subject associations to loan dishware from LYY to limit waste and the use of single plastics, especially in student events.
Attached are the links to the dishware loan calendar and for the rules concerning the use of the said dishware.
For further inquiries: inka.salo(at)
Carbon footprint calculator
Carbon footprint calculator for student associations, so you can follow your responsibility in organizational activities. Thank you to the University of Helsinki, for making this calculator possible through the “Hiilifiksujärjestö” project.
More information:
Project website
Guide for the use of the calculator