Lyytiset is LYY’s weekly newsletter that rounds up current affairs and events for the following week. If you want your own announcement to be added to Lyytiset, contact jarjestoasiantuntija(at)lyy.fi.
- LYY’s opening hours
- Arjen ympäristötekoja campaign
- Earth Hour 28.3.
- Remppa Goes Live 24h
- Apply to be an international tutor!
- Student pastors’ online office hours
- Information about the coronavirus
- Give feedback on the Student Union’s feedback channel
- Register your event to the LYY’s event calendar
- Rent LYY’s Sauna for your parties
LYY’s opening hours
Our customer service point at F-wing is closed for the time being.
If you need our services a meeting at the Student Union’s office (Ahkiomaantie 23B) can be agreed in advance
lyy(at)lyy.fi / +358 44 787 5670.
Arjen ympäristötekoja campaign
LYY has started the campaign “Arjen ympäristötekoja”! In the campaign we will share some tips about small eco-friendly things you can do in your everyday life – even at home. First, we are sharing tips for taking care of your clothes!
Follow the campaign on LYY’s social media and share your own tips #arjenympäristötekoja
Instagram: @lyygram
Facebook: @lapinyliopistonylioppilaskunta
Earth Hour 28.3.
Join us for EarthHour 2020 on Saturday, 28 March, 8:30 p.m. local time, and be a part of our movement to make nature matter!
Earth Hour 2020 is an amazing opportunity for you to join millions around the world and raise your voice for nature. We are calling on you to show decision-makers that you, your family, your community and your organisations care about the dual challenges facing our planet – climate change and nature loss – and want a future in which both people and nature can thrive.
LYY is challenging everyone to take part in the Earth Hour.
Tell us how you’re spending Earth Hour by tagging us on Instagram @lyygram and
using the hashtag #valotpoislappi
More information about Earth Hour.
Remppa Goes Live 24h
Remburssi ry is celebrating their anniversary with a 24-hour livestream! The livestream will begin on Saturday 28.3. at 3pm.
Remppa Goes Live 24h Faceboook event
Apply to be an international tutor!
Due to a mistake on the University’s website, the application period for becoming an international tutor has been extended until the end of March.
The student tutor guides the new students to their new university and Rovaniemi, gives advice and tutors the students in studying along with different issues about student life. Tutors also earn little money and they get study credits.
Learn more about tutoring on our website!
Student pastors’ online office hours
Do you want to chat about life studies, or anything? Student pastors’ office hours are on despite of social distancing – online!
Milla is available for chat on Wednesdays from 11am to 2pm & Rainer on Thursdays from 10am to 1pm. Contact the pastors via WhatsApp (Milla p. 0403586067 or Rainer p. 040 569 6475) or Instagram @church_roi_campus – they shall send you a link to Teams as a direct message.
You may contact the pastors also outside office hours and set up a separate time for discussion. The student pastors wish joy and blessings for all in this special situation!
Information about the coronavirus
LYY has released an announcement about the impacts of coronavirus on the students of the University of Lapland. The announcement is updated on a regular basis.
Read the announcement on our website.
Give feedback on the Student Union’s feedback channel
The Student Union has created a feedback channel, which is open to everyone. On the channel you can let us know your thoughts anonymously or ask anything. You can contact us personally or via the feedback form.
More information: Organization and Communications Specialist Netta Riponiemi, jarjestoasiantuntija(at)lyy.fi
Register your event to LYY’s event calendar
You can register your own event to LYY’s website! Adding your event to our website is fast and easy, and it lets everybody see your event straight away on LYY’s website. When you register your event remember that they have to be open for everyone – unless you want loads of gatecrashers.
Register your event to LYY’s event calendar here!
Rent LYY’s Sauna for your parties
The Student Union’s Sauna is available for renting. If you are a member of the Student Union of the University of Lapland, the renting costs you 100 euros / night. For non-members the price from Sunday to Thursday is 150 euros / night and from Friday to Saturday 200 euros / night.
Find more information about renting the sauna on our website or jarjestoasiantuntija(at)lyy.fi
Sign up for the weekly newsletter
Send message: ”SUB lyyinfo
first name lastname”
To the address: listaposti(at)uapland.fi
Sign off from the weekly newsletter
Send message: “SIGNOFF LYYINFO”
To the address: listaposti(at)ulapland.fi