LYY, also known as the Student Union of the University of Lapland, takes care of the students’ rights and interests. LYY makes sure that the students’ voice is heard everywhere at the University and in the surrounding society. LYY has its representation in the administration of the University, and through cooperation with the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL), LYY also represents students in both the local and the national level of decision-making.
The student union arranges a variety of events and activities, offers services and negotiates student discounts for its members. For the degree students, the membership of LYY is mandatory but exchange students have the possibility to choose whether they want to become members of LYY or not. By being a member you are eligible for some great discounts, like student meals and transportation.

LYY’s history
LYY’s work began in the year 1979, when the University of Lapland was established in Rovaniemi. Nowadays all of the students become members of LYY once they have paid for the membership. The most essential aim for the Student Union of the University of Lapland is to protect the interests of the students in the campus area and in Rovaniemi.
The Council of Representatives
The highest decision making body in the student community is the Council of Representatives (”edari”). The 20 representatives for the council and their deputies are elected every other year. The council assembles once a month except for the summer. The Council of Representatives makes annual decisions e.g. about LYY’s plan of action, the budget and for the membership fee. They also elect LYY’s Executive Board and make the final decision of the recruitment of the Secretary General. The next election will be in autumn 2023.
The Chair of the Council of Representatives
Jesse Häyhä
Council members
Tuominen Jenna
Simonen Anniina
Tikerpuu Cevor
Nuuttila Eemil
Vastamäki Vilma
Kuula Elina
Seppälä Susan
Braun Jonna
Koskinen Sara
Gröhn Willehardt
Riponiemi Netta
Rapo Julia
YTK:n Superlista
Matilainen Jenni
Nikumatti Pekka
Ahvensalmi Eetu
Penna Kristiina
Alasaarela Juho
Häyhä Jesse
Kerkelä Julia
Lehtosaari Aurora
Deputy members:
Valo Roosa-Maria
Lumijärvi Miila
Tuomainen Jenni
Joensuu Juho
Barrow Freya
Rissanen Riina-Maria
Isotalo Riikka
Makkonen Heta
Kirmanen Reetta
Jyrkkänen Magnus
YTK:n Superlista
Palosuo Hanna
Sorvali Iikka
Jokinen Wilma
Salonen Kati
Grönman Aino
Tuominen Elli
Moilanen Miika
Lumme Evilla
The Executive Board
The Executive Board of LYY takes care of the implementation of the decisions made by the Council of Representatives. The board members are chosen by the Council of Representatives around every November or December. The Board includes the Chief of the Board and 4-8 members of the board. The Executive Board works in close cooperation with the crew of LYY in order to protect the interests of the students and to keep up the active student life of the University of Lapland. The board membership is a position of responsibility. The members decide the roles of each member in the board every year. You can contact the Chair of the Board by sending email to The members of the board can be reached by sending email to
The staff
LYY’s office is located in Ahkiomaantie 23 B, very close to the campus area. LYY also has a service desk in the F-wing of the University. The Secretary General, the Adviser of Educational and Social Affairs, the Adviser of Organizations and Communications and the Adviser of Wellness work full-time at the office. You can often meet some members of the Executive Board and the editorial staff of the student magazine at the office as well. The office of LYY is the place where students can get guidance for their problems and where the events and activities of LYY are planned.
The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) is an association for national student benefits and services but also an NGO. Its main focus is to improve the position of university students in society and to enhance the prospects of studying everywhere in the country. All the student unions in Finland are members of SYL. LYY cooperates with SYL in different sectors of work such as educational an social affairs, communication and culture. The cooperation happens in sector assemblies held by SYL where members of several different student unions gather in. The office of SYL is located in Helsinki, where the board and the staff of SYL works. The highest decision-making body of SYL is the general assembly, which assembles every November. The people who attend the general assembly are students chosen by each student union. The aim of the general assembly is to settle on the work and the budget of SYL and to appoint the next board of SYL.
Visit SYL’s website.