LYY offers a variety of different chargeable and free of charge spaces and equipments. You can rent LYY’s sauna, located in Hallituskatu, Rovaniemi. Also the meeting rooms at LYY’s office are rentable. LYY rents sound systems and sport equipment, too.
More information from LYY’s office: lyy(at) or during 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. p. +358 44 787 5670
LYY’s sauna

The sauna of the Student Union locates in the city centre of Rovaniemi at Hallituskatu 20 D, on the top floor of the building. The whole space is 63m2 and comfortable for up to 30 people.
The equipment: a sauna (about 6 people), a refridgerator-freezer, a stove, an oven, a coffee-maker, a microwave, tableware and a TV.
The prices
Members of LYY Mon. – Thu. 100 € / evening (the renter has to be currently a member of LYY)
Members of LYY Fri. – Sun. 125 € / evening
Non-members Mon. – Thu. 120€ / evening
Non-members Fri.- Sun. 250€ / evening
Check the reservation calendar and make a booking below. For the member price use the code “LYYmato” for Mon-Thu and “LYYpesu” for Fri-Sun. The membership status will be checked before handing the key. The contact person for the reservation is responsible for the booking and for the collection of the key from LYY’s office within the office’s opening hours.
The booking made by a customer is binding. If the customer cancels the reservation the owner of the space or the mediator renting the space do not have an obligation to return the price of the booking or to skip the billing of the reservation. In a force majeure situation the owner of the space can cancel the reservation before the time of the booking. In this case the whole payment of the booking and the whole price of possible additional services will be returned to the customer, but the owner of the space isn’t liable to any other compensation.
More information from: lyy(at) or at 8 – 16 o’clock p. +358 44 787 5670
The sound system
The Student Union rents a PA system to its members in an affordable price. The system includes a mixing console (Yamaha M6166CX), two speakers (Behringer Eurolive B215A) and their stands, two microphones and an extension cord.
The price is 40€ per day and 75€ per weekend.
More information about renting the PA system from LYY’s office: lyy(at) or call +358 44 787 5670.
The sport equipment
There is a collection of sport equipment at LYY’s office that the members can borrow in exchange for a small deposit.
Rentable at the moment:
- Baseball equipment (including bats, balls and mitts)
- Ski gear
- Hockey skates, sizes between 37-45 (EU)
- Mölkky
- Two volley balls
More information from LYY’s office. Contact via email at lyy(at) or call +358 44 787 5670.
The meeting rooms
The meeting rooms at the office are rentable free-of-charge within the opening hours of the office when they aren’t used for meetings of the office staff or for sector meetings. For instance, the student associations are warmly welcome to have meetings at the office. About twenty people can fit in the meeting room at the same time. There is a television screen in the room to which you can attach your computer.
More information about renting a meeting room from LYY’s office. Contact by emailing lyy(at) or call +358 44 787 5670.