Information about tutoring
Student tutoring is one of the most important aspects on protecting the interests of the students. The student tutor guides the new students to their new university and Rovaniemi, gives advice and tutors the students in studying. LYY is responsible of recruiting and appointing the tutors as well as organizing the training for the tutors and reporting and collecting feedback on tutoring. Furthermore, LYY develops tutoring in cooperation with the university. There are also international tutors for exchange students and international degree students.

Tutoring Q & A
Q. What is a student tutor?
A: A tutor is the new student’s first contact to the university student community. The student tutor has a substantial responsibility in the beginning of a new student’s studypath. The tutor advises and helps to get the studies going and introduces the new student to the student culture.
Q: Do the tutors get paid?
A: Tutors earn 300 euros which is paid in two instalments – 150€ in the fall and 150€ in the spring. The earning is paid by the University of Lapland. The first instalment is paid around Christmas and the second one around the first of May.
Q: How much time does tutoring take and when does tutoring happen?
A: Nowadays the time frame of student tutoring is divided to both semesters. The beginning of the year in the fall takes the most time, because the new students start their studies then. However, all of the tutors have successfully completed their tutoring year. By offering tutoring in the spring term as well there isn’t a huge workload to be done only within the autumn term.
Q: What criteria is the tutor recruitment based on?
A: For instance, this year’s recruitment of the student tutors is based on the applicant’s study success, experience on work in associations or leading groups, motivation, experience on the University of Lapland’s work and the viewpoint on what is good tutoring.
Q: Do tutors get a training?
A: Yes, they do. The training clarifies the tutors role in the university student community and consists of all essential topics around tutoring and offers the tools for good tutoring
You can read more about tutoring from our Guide for Tutors! (Finnish)