Monday 9.12 Shrimp pasta L (domestic 53,8%, local <30%) Champignon soup L,G Turkey and melon salad M,L,G Cheddar and taco salad L Tuesday 10.12 Spicy chicken pasta L … [Read more...] about Lunch list week 50
Lunch list week 49
Monday 2.12 Salmon pasta L (domestic 71,7%, local <30%) Spinach soup and egg L,G Roast beef salad L,G Two cheese salad LL,G Tuesday 3.12 Chicken and curry casserole G … [Read more...] about Lunch list week 49
Lunch list week 48
Monday 25.11 Salami pasta L (domestic 74,8%, local <30%) Smoked reindeer and blue cheese soup L,G Pulled pork salad M,L,G Gouda cheese salad L,G Tuesday 26.11 Ham casserole … [Read more...] about Lunch list week 48
Lovisa´s lunch list week 47
Monday 18.11.Chicken pasta LTomato and cheese soup L,GKebab salad M,LMozzarella and melon salad LL,G Tuesday 19.11.Fry up L,G(domestic 80%, local 50%)Vegetable fry up LBlue cheese and vegetable … [Read more...] about Lovisa´s lunch list week 47
Lovisa´s lunch list week 46
Monday 11.11.Shrimp pasta L (domestic 53,8%, local <30%)Champignon soup L,GTurkey and melon salad M,L,GCheddar and taco salad L Tuesday 12.11.Spicy chicken pasta L (domestic 48,5, local … [Read more...] about Lovisa´s lunch list week 46
Lovisa´s lunch lista week 45
Monday 4.11Chicken and curry casserole G (domestic 58,4%, local <30%)Tomato and bacon soup L,GRoast beef salad L,GTwo cheese salad LL,G Tuesday 5.11Kebab casserole LVegetable casserole L,GPureed … [Read more...] about Lovisa´s lunch lista week 45
Lovisa´s lunch list week 44
LUNCH LIST WEEK 42, 21.-27.10-2019
Monday 21.10 Chicken pasta L (domestic 48,5%, local <30%)Forest mushroom soup L,GKebab salad M,LMozzarella and melon salad LL,G Tuesday 22.10 Meat and potato casserole … [Read more...] about LUNCH LIST WEEK 42, 21.-27.10-2019