There are numerous student associations within the University of Lapland student community. The most well-known of them might be the subject associations that protect their students’ interests. They are formed by the students of certain majors. However, there is a whole bunch of other associations to get familiar with and join. Many of the associations have their own websites from where you can read more of their work.
The subject associations
The subject associations take care of their students’ protection of interests and organize all sorts of activities as a counterbalance to the study work such as parties, seminars, trips to the cabin, excursions and coffee chats. Some of the associations do publication as well. Each of the student associations choose a board annually that takes care of the associations everyday tasks. The board has assemblies, makes decisions and implements the decisions to practice. The websites of the associations provide a colossal amount of information on anything that might puzzle you. Don’t hesitate to contact the people of a certain association directly e.g. via email.
- Artikla ry the law students
- Jalot Villit ry the tourism research students
- Kosmos Buran ry the political science and sociology students
- Lapikas ry the primary teaching students
- Lastu ry the education, adult education and media education students
- Lyhty ry the social work and rehabilitation research students
- Remburssi ry the administrative sciences and management students
- TAO ry the art students
Political student associations
- Lapin vasemmistonuoret (The Left youth of Lapland)
- Lapin vihreät nuoret ja opiskelijat (The Green youth and students of Lapland)
- Roso ry – Rovaniemen sosiaalidemokraattiset opiskelijat ja nuoret (The Social Democratic youth and students of Rovaniemi)
- Rovaniemen keskustaopiskelijat (The Centern youth in Rovaniemi)
- Rovaniemen kokoomusopiskelijat (The youth of National Coalition in Rovaniemi)
Other associations
- Elsa Rovaniemi ry (the European Law Students)
- ESN Lapland
- Kalto (An art community)
- KOPLA table top game club
- Lapin ylioppilasteatteri (The Lapland student theater)
- LoimuSpeksi
- Loru ry – Lapin opiskelevat reserviläiset (The studying reservists of Lapland)
- Lucida Intervalla – Lapin ylioppilaskuoro (The student choir of Lapland)
- Radio Säteily (The student radio channel)
- Rovaniemen Cinema (the student movie club ”Cinema”)
- Rovaniemen Seta (the LGBTIQ-students and allies)
- SYY-Lappi ry (the social sciences students of Lapland)