UPDATE 24.6. 16:00
University of Lapland to gradually open its doors in autumn: New students a priority.
The University’s guidelines for the autumn semester.
UPDATE 14.5. 13:30
The EXAM rooms are opened to some extent as of 14 May.
UPDATE 7.5. 14:30
The University of Lapland has released new information about the COVID-19 situation. The University premises will remain closed to students until the end of the Spring semester, but exceptions can be made if absolutely necessary. The University Libraries will open for pick-up borrowing of books.
UPDATE 15.4. 14:30
The isolation of Uusimaa has ended on the 15th of April.
UPDATE 3.4. 09:00
The Finnish Government has decided to continue restrictions until the 13th of May. This means that the restriction regarding the University of Lapland will also continue until 13.5.2020. The University is prepared to continue the emergency arrangements until the end of the spring term if necessary.
UPDATE 30.3. 09:00
Uusimaa has been isolated on Saturday the 28th of March at midnight. The movement restrictions on the Region of Uusimaa mean that only essential travel to and from Uusimaa is allowed.
The movement restrictions are in effect until the 19th of April.
UPDATE 17.3. 18:30
The Regional State Administrative Agency of Lapland has ordered the University of Lapland to be closed 18.3.–13.4.2020. Because of this all studies will proceed via remote access only. Using the University premises is prohibited for everyone who is not faculty.
The FSHS premises will remain open as instructed by the FSHS in order to secure the wellbeing of students.
UPDATE 17.3. 14:00
There will be some changes in LUC Library services and opening hours from 17 March 2020 onwards due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Read more below
Exam -electronic exams are not in use.
There will be more information during 17.3. afternoon about the possibilities to use the library spaces and access keys
Know your rights during the corona virus. Read more below
UPDATE 16.3. 17:30
The Finnish Government has banned all gatherings of ten people or more, and ordered public spaces such as libraries and schools to be closed. The new restrictions are in effect until 13.4.
Preparations for closing the Finnish borders have begun. Finland urges citizens who are currently abroad to return to Finland.
The Student Union of The University of Lapland is closely following the developments of the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic and the actions of the University of Lapland and Finnish Institute of Health and Wellfare regarding the situation.
We recommend that the guidelines and instructions given by authorities are followed. You can find the up-to-date instructions of the University of Lapland on their website. The University has also sent out instructions by e-mail to all students. Read more about the releases by the Finnish Institute of Health and Wellfare here.
Preparations for closing the Finnish borders have begun. Finland urges citizens who arecurrently abroad to return to Finland.
Those returning to Finland from abroad are required to work and study at home for 14 days.
All incoming visits from abroad must be cancelled or postponed for the time being.
Uusimaa was isolated on Saturday the 28th of March at midnight. The isolation has ended on the 15th of April.
We recommend to exercise extreme caution regarding all domestic travels.
Visits, internships and studies from abroad are indefinitely cancelled or postponed.
The University of Lapland premises will remain closed to students until the end of the Spring semester 2020. Exceptions can be made if absolutely necessary (mainly in the Faculty of Art and Design) in the case that graduation or the finishing of studies depends on having access to the University’s premises.
The EXAM rooms are opened to some extent as of 14 May. Students may take exams that are absolutely necessary for instance for graduating according to schedule (see the teacher’s instructions below). Instead of reserving exam times directly, each exam is agreed on separately and personally. Read more about using the EXAM rooms on the University’s Intranet
The University of Lapland must supervise that all faculties, professors and teachers follow the given guidelines on remote access. The progression or the quality of studies cannot suffer despite of the current situation.
LUC Libraries will be closed until further notice from Wednesday 18 March 2020. Customer service is given only online. The Libraries will open for pick-up borrowing of books. You can reserve material in advance and pick it up as agreed. The Library premises will remain closed.
All library services are closed 29th of June – 24th of July, due to a library system exchange.
Considering the guidelines, University of Lapland must arrange substitutive teaching and studying methods for students, that are returning to Finland from abroad or should travel domestically for lessons.
University of Lapland to gradually open its doors in autumn: New students a priority.
The University’s guidelines for the autumn semester.
LYY will organize remote events only during the Spring 2020
We recommend, that all student organisations take the COVID-19 situtation in to consideration in all of their actions. When facing challenges, please contact our Adviser of Organizations and Communications Netta Riponiemi, jarjestoasiantuntija@lyy.fi .
The Representative Council’s meetings are postponed for the time being.
Don’t panic, but please take these actions seriously. The measures taken in Finland and at the University of Lapland are precautionary in order to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
You can protect yourself from the virus like you do with other pathogens causing respiratory tract infections. You should wash your hands properly: wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. Wash your hands every time when you enter a building; before preparing a meal and eating; after using the toilet, blowing your nose, coughing, and sneezing; and always when you have touched the same surfaces as someone who has a cold. You should also avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth if you have not washed your hands just recently. If you cannot wash your hands, use liquid hand sanitizer to inactivate corona- and other viruses. Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the tissue immediately after use. If you do not have a tissue, cough and sneeze into the upper part of your sleeve. Do not use your hands!
If you have symptoms of the common cold, influenza, or some other infectious disease, stay at home.
If your symptoms include high temperature, cough, and shortness of breath, do the following:
Always start by calling Lapland Central Hospital, phone (016) 3281 Mon.–Fri. between 7:30 and 17:00. At other times, call the emergency clinic (016) 322 4800.
They will give you instructions on how to proceed.
Contact your supervisor or responsible course teacher by phone.
You may call FSHS through the HTA phone 046 710 1090 (Monday–Thursday 8:00–15:00, Friday 8:00–14:00) or SelfChat (Monday–Friday 12:00–14:00).
The FSHS premises will remain open as instructed by the FSHS in order to secure the wellbeing of students.
“More physical distance and mental closeness.”
You should also consider participating smaller gatherings and avoid them, if possible. Let’s keep our spirits high, call those who are important to us and support each other. Let’s especially focus on protecting the risk groups.
If you need help or more information, please contact the Student Union, lyy@lyy.fi .
More information about the University guidelines.
It’s not easy staying home for everyone. Feelings of fear, anger, sadness, anxiety and confusion are valid and normal in this situation. It’s important to speak about your feelings and worries to your friends and relatives.
You can also get help and call Mieli ry’s (Mental Health Finland) Crisis Helpline 09 2525 0113, the line is open Mon-Tue 11.00-15.00, Wed 13.00-16.00 and 17.00-21.00 and Thu 10.00-15.00. There are also some self-care excercises on Nyyti ry’s website.
It’s recommended by THL that you try to stick to everyday routines like
- eating healthy
- trying to get enough sleep and keep your regular sleep schedule
- keep in contact with your family and friends by calling or online
- exercise at home or outdoors
- decrease your time on social media if it causes you anxiety
- get updates from reliable sources for example THL and WHO
Know your rights during the corona virus
Student Union demands that every student can study from home and no one is forced to go to the University. It is also important that corona virus doesn’t create barriers for studying and the current situation won’t affect negatively to the quality of teaching. Those are the main goals of Student Union in the current situation.
As a student you should know at least the following things
- University has decided to stop the classroom teaching. It means that students study from home 17.3.-13.4.2020.
- If classroom teaching is still being held and you can’t participate, you can contact the Student union
- Kela has opened a webpage about corona virus .
- Finnish institute for health and welfare will give official information about the situation in Finland on their website.
- Instructions for distance learning and more info can be found from University’s Intra.
We will keep the students updated about the situation as well as we can. If needed, you can contact the student union by e-mail at lyy@lyy.fi. The staff contact information can be found here.