- LYY’s opening hours
- LYY board has organized for the year 2020
- LYY is searching for a new editor in chief for the University student magazine
- Suggest the teacher of the year
- Call for applications 2020-2021 Destinations in Europe, Russia & north2north destinations ends on 31st of January 2020.
- Recruitment event in Rovaniemi 29.1.2020
- Finnish Game Jam 31.1.-2.2.
And remember
- Give feedback on Student union’s feedback channel
- Register your event to the LYY’s event calendar
- Rent LYY’s Sauna for your parties
LYY’s opening hours
LYY is serving at their customer service point at F-wing:
- Tuesdays at 12pm – 2pm
- Thursdays at 12pm – 2pm
Check out the exceptions from here!
If you need our services in other times, meeting times at the Student Union’s office (Ahkiomaantie 23B) can be agreed in advanced: lyy@lyy.fi / +358 44 787 5670.
More information: Advisor of communications and organizations, jarjestoasiantuntija(at)lyy.fi
LYY board has organized for the year 2020
The Student Union of the University of Lapland (LYY) board has organized for this year in their first board meeting 16.1.2020 and divided their areas of responsibilities and subject associations. The board also defined the working sections for this year and set the deputies for every working committees.
Read more about the news from here!
More information: The chair of the board, Esa-Pekka Tuppi, puheenjohtaja(at)lyy.fi
LYY is looking for a new editor in chief for the University student magazine
LYY is looking for editor in chief for the university student magazine. The student magazine comes four times in a year and brings out the voices of our students. Unfortunately this job requires full Finnish proficiency.
Suggest the teacher of the year
It is time to find the teacher of the year! Has there been someone, who’s been helping you with your studies? Now it is time to tell us that person!
The teacher of the year is a person, who is a good guidance for students and is sincere and fair towards them. He/she is taking care of students’ rights and that their voices will be heard in the matter of courses and attending the planning of their own education. In addition the teacher is using multiple teaching methods and is taking into account different kind of learners. This years teacher brings out his/her methods for other faculties as well.
You can send your suggestion until Sunday 16.2.2020 behind this link.
More information: Aatu Puhakka, Adviser of Educational and Social Affairs, edunvalvonta(at)lyy.fi
Call for applications 2020-2021 Destinations in Europe, Russia & north2north destinations ends on 31st of January 2020
To apply for a mobility is a big decision – not only as a student but as a person. You are sure to see new sides of yourself in the process and international experience is a big plus on your CV.
You can look for suitable courses among the rich course offerings of the potential partner universities. You can also complete an entirely new minor to include in your degree.
The experiences you gain, the adventures you have and everything you learn about new languages and cultures while abroad are guaranteed to change your life. The term or year you spend as an exchange student may well become the most memorable of your academic career.
There will be info sessions held in January about study abroad:
- Mobility info 16.1. at 15:00-16:00 LS10 Kaarina-Sali
- Destination workshop wednesday 15.1.
- Art & Design 14-15 F2059
- Social sciences 15-16 F2059
- Education 14-15 F2060
- Law 15-16 F2060
- Destination workshop on tuesday 21.1.
- Social sciences 14:00-15:00 S22
- Art & Design 15:00-16:00 S22
- Law 14:00-15:00 S23
- Education 15:00-16:00 S23
More information on the call for applications and the info sessions: www.ulapland.fi/studyabroad
Recruitment event in Rovaniemi 29.1.2020
Recruitment event is for everyone who is looking for a job, a summerjob, practical training place or new education or commissioner for your thesis. Join our event and meet companies, organizations, educators etc. and build up your network!
Time and place: 29.1.2020 klo 13.00 – 17.00, Jokiväylä 11, Rovaniemi
Read more from here!
Finnish Game Jam 31.1.-2.2.
Want to make games? Meet other people interested in games? Have a fun weekend? If you answered yes, then this event is for you!
Finnish Game Jam (#FGJ20) is arranged from January 31st to February 2nd 2020 at Lapland University of Applied Sciences as a part of Global Game Jam. Everyone is welcome to join regardless of their current skill level. Together we will find something to do for everyone.
And remember
Give feedback on Student union’s feedback channel
Student union has created a feedback channel, which is open to everyone. On the channel, you can tell your thoughts anonymously and ask anything. You can contact us personally or via feedback form. Leave your feedback here.
More information: Advisor of communications and organizations, jarjestoasiantuntija(at)lyy.fi
Register your event to the LYY’s event calendar
You can register to LYY’s websites your own event! Adding your event to our website is really easy and fast and at the same time everybody else can also see your event straight on LYY’s website! When you register your event, remember that they have to be open to everyone – unless you want loads of gatecrashers.
Register your event on LYY’s event calendar here!
Rent LYY’s Sauna for your parties
Student Union’s Sauna is available for renting during the summertime. If you are a member of the Student Union of the University of Lapland, the renting costs you 100 euros / night. For non-members the price from Sunday to Thursday is 150 euros / night and from Friday to Saturday 200 euros / night. Booking happens via email to edunvalvonta(at)lyy.fi or by phone +358 45 138 4190.
More info from our website or jarjestoasiantuntija(at)lyy.fi
Sing in the list:
Send message: ”SUB lyyinfo first name lastname”
To the address: listaposti(at)uapland.fi
Sing off the list:
Send message: “SIGNOFF LYYINFO”
To the address: listaposti(at)ulapland.fi
Give feedback about “Lyytiset” to the address: jarjestoasiantuntija(at)lyy.fi