LYY’s Central Election committee has approved candidates from six (6) different electoral associations: TAO-lista, Neliapila, Kokoomus, Vihertävät, Artikla and YTK:n Superlista. In total there are 76 candidates in this election.
“It is great that we have both electoral associations that have their background in student associations and also others with a political background. The Council of Representatives should represent the full diversity of the student union, so it is important that the voters have a chance to choose between different agendas”, the Chair of the Central Election Committee Linnea Pikkupeura says.
Compared to the previous election, there are now a quarter fewer candidates: in the 2019 election there were 104 candidates in total. Also there are fewer electoral associations as Lastukas, Rovaniemen Demariopiskelijat, Vasen, F! and Akateemiset Kansallismieliset did not submit their documents this time. Also no electoral alliances were formed.
The highest decision-making power in the Student Union of the University of Lapland is exercised by the Council of Representatives. The Council consists of twenty (20) members. The Council for example decided on the annual budget and the executive board.
Advance voting is on 28 and 29 October and 1 and 2 November. The election day is on 3 November.
Meetings of the Council of Representatives are open for all LYY members, and you can find more information about them on our website. The new Council will begin its two-year term on 1 December 2021.
Candidates 2021
2, Julia Rapo
3, Riikka Isotalo
4, Sara Koskinen
5, Netta Riponiemi
6, Magnus Jyrkkänen
7, Jonna Braun
8, Willehardt Gröhn
9, Heta Makkonen
10, Susan Seppälä
11, Reetta Kirmanen
24, Miika Alajääskö
25, Hilla Haajanen
26, Niilo Helander
27, Santeri Kirkkala
28, Evilla Lumme
29, Henri Mella
30, Martti Paaso
31, Iina Palonen
32, Aurora Lehtosaari
33, Ella Saukkonen
40, Cevor Tikerpuu
41, Anniina Simonen
42, Verner Kuisma
43, Sini Hattuniemi
44, Eemil Nuuttila
45, Vilma Vastamäki
46, Jenna Tuominen
47, Freya Barrow
48, Wille Karhumaa
49, Vilma Teittinen
50, Elina Kuula
51, Viivi Soini
52, Emma Lahtinen
53, Roosa-Maria Valo
54, Etti Läntinen
55, Elsa Leino
56, Jenni Tuomainen
57, Eerika Pohjola
58, Elina Matala-Aho
59, Lilli Vartiainen
60, Pyry Kuusinen
61, Ida Nurmi
62, Riina-Maria Rissanen
63, Anni Leskinen
64, Juho Joensuu
65, Miila Lumijärvi
12, Juho Alasaarela
13, Aino Grönman
14, Moona Harju
15, Jesse Häyhä
16, Eveliina Mäkelä
17, Santeri Määttä
18, Ari Veikko Puska
19, Kalle Pyky
20, Veera Savonen
21, Jere Tapio
22, Elli Tuominen
23, Eveliina Uimarihuhta
34, Julia Kerkelä
35, Thomas Suni
36, Emilia Tammilehto
37, Ella Keski-Panula
38, Lauri Laitinen
39, Miika Moilanen
YTK:n Superlista
66, Niko Mäntynenä
67, Pekka Nikumatti
68, Hanna Palosuo
69, Eetu Ahvensalmi
70, Iikka Sorvali
71, Jenni Matilainen
72, Louna-Kaisa Kotimäki
73, Jenni Katermaa
74, Kati Salonen
75, Kristiina Penna
76, Anna Hänninen
77, Wilma Jokinen