Harassment Contact Person works as a member of Student Community which students can contact when they face bullying, harassment or any other discrimination. You can also contact them if you feel like Student Union’s Equality plan is violated at the LYY’s or Subject associations’s events. Harassment Contact Person will work as a trustworthy interlocutor and will support the student with the problems he/she has faced.
Understanding about the confidentiality issues, physical communication skills and passion to develop the atmosphere of the Student Community is expected. Experience of the psychosocial support and dispute resolution is an advantage.
Harassment Contact Person is a position of responsibility and therefore unpaid.
Send your application to hakemukset(at)lyy.fi earlier than 27th November.
More info
Harassment Contact Person Eve Orhanlı-Viinamäki 0453284431 hairinta(at)lyy.fi
Adviser of SEducational and Social affairs Aatu Puhakka 045 138 4190 edunvalvonta(at)lyy.fi