Extra recruitment for international tutors is now open. International tutors are recruited for academic year 2020-2021 to guide the new students to their new university, studies, student life and Rovaniemi. Tutors will get 250€ payment and are entitled to two (2) study credits. LYY will make the selections and inform the admitted tutors as soon as possible. Training for becoming tutors will take place on 15.-17.4. together with university and other tutors.
15th of April 9 A.M-12 P.M. Faculty of Education
15th of April 1 P.M -4 P.M. Faculty of Social Sciences
16th of April 9 A.M. -12 P.M. Faculty of Law
16th of April 1 P.M -4 P.M. Faculty of Arts and design
Due the corona virus, training will be held by distance learning
To become a tutor, fill out the online application form. Deadline 31st of March.